Cyber Security:

Vulnerability Assessment:

Vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system’s information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, access to the flaw, and capability to exploit the flaw. A vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing the vulnerabilities in a system.

Penetration testing:

An in-depth test that seeks to actively exploit identified vulnerabilities in order to compromise, or set up a scenario to demonstrate a compromise of, the systems and assets, just like an outside attacker could.

Forensics-IoA, IoC, Malware Analysis:

You need a second line of defense. Combining real-time endpoint monitoring with big-data analytics can detect advanced attacks and insider threats.

Source Code Audit:

A software code audit is a comprehensive analysis of source code in a programming project with the intent of discovering bugs, security breaches or violations of programming conventions. During a Source Code Security Audit, experts manually inspect the source code of your new or existing application for security weaknesses.

Mobility Security:

There has been an explosion of mobile devices being used for work, whether authorized or not. You need to enable and protect users no matter what type of device they choose to work with – a PC, notebook, tablet, or smartphone.